Regulation of Artificial Intelligence is Needed to Save Mankind



Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the numerous technological advancements that came into being through innovations and extensive research. Before we go into the details of its regulations, let’s discuss the meaning of AI.

What is Artificial Intelligence?



The concept of artificial intelligence takes many forms. However, if we look at it in broader terms, it can be defined as the process whereby computer systems are developed in a way that they can perform operations that are naturally meant for human intelligence. 

Such operations include translation between languages, speech recognition, visual perception, natural language understanding and processing, as well as decision-making.


This means that computer systems with AI can successfully speak what has been written down in natural language. AI systems can also understand or transcribe spoken words and can also move through spaces using their senses autonomously.

Calls for Regulations on AI

In light of the success so far achieved in the applications of AI across a wide range of sectors, lots of tech experts and stakeholders have been speaking about the need to have laws that will regulate the technology. They believe that there are some AI regulation benefits to the world.


Those calling for regulations have been raising concern that if there is no regulation for AI, there is a high possibility that the new technology has the potency to work against the good of humanity instead of working towards the progress it is made for.

The proponents of regulation are not outright against the benefits of the technology, but they are suggesting that it will be reasonable to have an official regulatory framework that will regulate it so that it will reduce the risks it poses to the fundamental rights of those that use it.

However, they  are of the view that the regulatory policy should be done in a way that it would not stifle or discourage the growth of AI but would also take into cognizance the risks that are associated with the risks with a view to managing them.

One of the tech experts advocating for the regulation of AI technology is Bill Gates, the CEO and founder of Microsoft. Gates said that there is a need to have laws regulating AI so that its full potential can be fully harnessed.

Gates admitted that the potential of AI is limited, adding that the full potential of the technology will only be achieved if all the stakeholders, including the government and private sector as well as civil organizations, come together and work towards having regulations that will maximize AI’s technology and reduce risks.

The tech guru said that there have been cases in the past where new technological innovations posed threats. He however added that those threats were controlled through regulations that were made in collaboration with the private sector.

In May 2023, the Center for AI Safety issued a statement explaining the reason why the government should take measures so as to regulate AI due to certain risks associated with it.

The statement, signed by over 500 stakeholders, declared that curbing the risk of AI should be taken as a global priority, like other great risks like pandemics and nuclear war.

The top experts who signed the statement are: Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Toronto; Geoffrey Hinton, CEO, Google DeepMind; and Demis Hassabis.

CEO, Professor of Computer Science, University of California Berkeley, Dawn Song, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Stanford, Martin Hellman, President, Anthropic, Daniela Amodei, and others

Some of the reasons raised by proponents of AI regulations are: 

1: Job Loss

Apostles of AI regulation have been saying that the technology erodes the value of human labor if there is no regulatory framework for it.

In 2023, a survey conducted across Europe by IE University in Spain showed that 68% of people interviewed believe that AI should be regulated due to the fear that it may lead to job losses. The survey was conducted across Europe, with 3,000 Europeans as respondents.

Also, a report released by the government of the United Kingdom in conjunction with PWC in 2021 showed that 7 percent of jobs in the country could be automated within a period of five years and 30 percent after another 20 years.

2: Human Rights Protection

The proponents of regulation are also of the opinion that if AI is regulated, it will prevent infringements on the fundamental rights of people while it is being applied in different areas.

For instance, they believe that regulation will protect suspects whose prosecution and convictions were based only on machine learning. There have been cases when the AI machine has flagged people due to flawed facial recognition or a name resembling a criminal.

The proponents are saying that with regulation in place, the victims would not be denied their fundamental rights only by results made by machines.

3: Protection of Data

Protection of the data of individuals is one of the concerns being raised by those calling for regulations. They believe that deregulation of AI would make sensitive information fall into the hands of the wrong people, which is tantamount to interfering with database rights, confidentiality, and copyrights.

4: Protection Against Unnecessary Discrimination

According to the CEO of Gradient Insight, Ayala Portella, regulations for AI would go a long way in preventing AI technologies from discriminating against certain people unnecessarily.

The submission by the tech expert should be taken into consideration because there are some instances when the AI systems function that way.

For example, The Guardian newspaper reported an incident where black contestants did not win because the AI system used was designed in such a way that it could only select white women.

In another instance, black contestants in a beauty contest were denied any wins since the AI technology used to pick out winners had been trained predominantly on white women.

5: Fair Competition



With regulations in place,it is believed that there will be innovations and healthy competition among industry players in the technology sector. There. The dominant and biggest players would be prevented from dominating the market at the detriment of smaller stakeholders. In a nutshell, there will be a level playing field.

      Key Takeaway



No doubt, AI is a great blessing with limitless opportunities for mankind. However, there should be some policies in place for regulating artificial intelligence worldwide so that all the fears concerning the potential dangers can be dealt with.

However, the regulation should be done in a way that would not stifle innovation. In drafting the regulations, all the relevant stakeholders, including academics, corporate organizations, government agencies, and civil institutions, should be included so that there are regulations that are beneficial to all and acceptable to all.

Author: pqrmedia
I am a professional journalists with years of experience. My aim in life is to educate people through well researched contents

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