Detect Fraudulent Apps Easily on Google Play Store in These Ways



Some people are deeply concerned about downloading fraudulent apps from the Google Play Store because the effect could be disastrous.

There are several apps on Google play store. You should note that this is a store with over 2.8 million apps available; therefore, it can be challenging to separate the legitimate ones from the fraudulent ones.

Fraudulent apps are extremely dangerous. They can compromise your privacy, security, and, to worsen the situation, even your finances.

Fraudulent Apps Are Dangerous.

In 2019, a tech firm known as Quick Heal Security Lab spotted 27 dangerous apps on the Google Play Store. The fake apps were designed to prompt users to install a fake ‘Google Play Store app’ despite the existence of an official Play Store. Later, Google removed those fraudulent and malicious apps from the Play Store.

Speaking on the development, Quick Heal Security Lab said that if any user falls victim to this trap by installing the fake Google app, his phone, laptop, or computer may be infected by adware.

The company noted that the fraudulent system was well designed in such a way that it displays some wallpapers and hides its icon later. With this, a user may not know that the real app displays advertisements.

In another similar development, in April 2023, a 70-year-old man in Singapore lost a whopping amount of S$71,000 in just two hours after he downloaded a fake Google Play app.

In the course of police investigations, it was discovered that the scam succeeded as a result of malware associated with the fraudulent app.

The scam was a harrowing experience because all his sensitive information, including his bank account details, was stolen after he downloaded the fake Google apps. It should be noted that you may also mistakenly use a Google play store if you are not careful.

In this article, we will discuss easy ways to detect fraudulent apps on the Google Play Store, so you can protect yourself and your devices. Readi on!

How to Spot Fake Apps on Google Play Store

1: Check with The app Developer.

The first step in detecting fraudulent apps is to examine the app developer. Legitimate developers have a reputation to uphold, while scammers tend to be anonymous or use fake identities. Take a few moments to research the developer’s name and look for any red flags, such as negative reviews or reports of fraudulent behavior. Also, check if the developer has other well-known apps in the store. Established developers often demonstrate a track record of delivering high-quality apps.

2: Check Reviews Ratings by Other Users

Online company reviews are very essential. User reviews and ratings provide valuable insights into an app’s authenticity. Fraudulent apps are often accompanied by negative reviews and low ratings, as users quickly discover their malicious intents. 

Pay attention to detailed reviews discussing issues like intrusive ads, suspicious permissions, or unexpected behavior. Conversely, if an app has excellent reviews and high ratings, it’s usually a good sign of legitimacy. 

However, be cautious of fake reviews that might be generated by the scammers themselves. However, importance of Google reviews should not be neglected.

3: Check The Number of Downloads.

Fraudulent apps typically have a low number of downloads compared to legitimate apps. Scammers rely on quick downloads, deceive users, and then disappear.

On the other hand, popular and reputable apps tend to have a significant number of downloads, as they are trusted by users over time. While this method alone is not foolproof, it can raise a red flag if you come across an app with an unusually low number of downloads.

4: Look for App Permissions.

Before installing any app, take a close look at the permissions it requests. Fraudulent apps often ask for unnecessary permissions that have nothing to do with the app’s functionality. For example, a flashlight app requesting access to your contacts or microphone should raise suspicion. Be mindful of the permissions you grant, as they provide access to sensitive information on your device.

5: Research the App Outside of the Play Store.

To ensure the legitimacy of an app, conduct a search outside of the Google Play Store. Look for credible sources such as technology blogs, forums, or antivirus software websites that frequently report on fraudulent apps. If an app is flagged as suspicious, it’s best to steer clear of it. Additionally, reputable websites often provide alternatives to popular apps, which can offer you a safer and more trusted experience.

6: Don’t Fall into Traps of  ‘forced’ Subscriptions.

There are some utility apps that may systematically force you to pay for subscriptions. You should be very careful because there is a high tendency that they may be fake. Most genuine apps usually offer people trial runs before they commit to monthly or annual payments.

7: Number of Installs by Users.

You can use the number of installs by users as a good yardstick to gauge the reputation of the app, but you shouldn’t totally rely on this because some malicious and fraudulent apps can have massive numbers of reviews and installs. Due to this fact, it is highly advisable that you always compare the ratio of installs to user reviews.

8: Check the App’s Age.

Many sites that are very new might not have accumulated many negative reviews, or users might not have reported them as malware. However, you should note that some may be there but inactive for some time before attacking. Due to this, we advise that if you don’t need the article immediately, wait for some reviews before taking action.


Protecting yourself from fraudulent apps on the Google Play Store is crucial in today’s digital landscape. By following these easy ways to detect fraudulent apps, you can ensure the safety of your personal information and devices.

Remember to check the app developer, read user reviews and ratings, consider the number of downloads, examine app permissions, and conduct thorough research before downloading any app. Stay informed and trust your instincts to avoid falling victim to scams and fraudulent activities.

Learn how to easily detect fraudulent apps on the Google Play Store. Check app developers, read user reviews, and watch out for suspicious permissions. Protect your privacy and security today!

Author: pqrmedia
I am a professional journalists with years of experience. My aim in life is to educate people through well researched contents

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